The relevance of PBL
Project Based Learning is a suitable approach for technology integration in the language classroom as it has many advantages. It gives the students the opportunity to collaborate and work in a group, solving real problems and encouraging self motivation and creativity.
I really enjoy using technology and I am all the time trying to learn about different new tools to use in my classroom. Throughout the WELL course, I have learnt to employ many new tools and I have used many others that I knew, but I did not use before. Sometimes because I lack the time to do it, or simply because I did not dare to use it.
I would really like to integrate all these new technologies into my classrooms, but to be honest, this does not apply to my reality nowadays. But as I have mentioned in some occasions, I am preparing myself for the future, as I will be able to put it into practice at any time.
This course gave me the opportunity to discover new tools and also to try them. I enjoy creating web lessons and collaborate in different spaces like Wikis and Blogs.
It is difficult to get myself up to date with all the Tics available, but it is easy to focus on my students needs and apply the most suitable ones for each group.
Doing this course made the difference, as I have learnt and reflect a lot. From now on I will try each TICs and analyse them to see whether they are appropriate for the task I am working on or for future tasks.

2 Response to

September 30, 2010 at 7:48 AM

Great Carina! It is very important that you prepare and train yourself for the future as it is nearer and faster than we expected it to be. We have to keep up with our kids now, you will see that with your baby, and learning new things, or new techniques, or new methods is one of the best ways to do it. We have to try the tools, we have to live them ourselves, we have to share our needs for knowledge with our students, who are digitally born, and we will be digitally literate sooner than we thought we could be.
Good for you! And of course it was also a pleasure to share these months with you, and we will be in contact to continue our learning!

October 2, 2010 at 12:49 PM

Dear Carina,

Identifying the most suitable tool for each learning task according to your students’ needs is the first step towards meaningful technology integration.

Also, remember the concepts behind the web 2.0, such as horizontal communication, collaboration and knowledge sharing, can be developed with or without technology. The 2.0 attitude should come first, so that we don’t end up replicating old practices in new digital environments.

I’m sure you’ll be able to apply all you have learned and much more with your classes.

It’s been a pleasure to have you on board!!

Big hugs,


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