Welcome to WELL II 2012!

My name is Carla Raguseo and I’m the online tutor and designer of the WELL course. I started integrating blogs and wikis into my classes seven years ago and my teaching has never been the same since then. They say that "One's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.", right?  Together we’ll discover how these tools can help us boost motivation and develop learning autonomy in our students within a content-based approach to language learning.

Our WELL blog is one of the three online spaces we will use throughout the course to share experiences and expand our learning networks. On the sidebar, you’ll find the blogs that were created by other EFL teachers in previous courses. Check them out!

I'd like to invite you to introduce yourselves and share your experiences with blogs and wikis as well as your expectations for this course. Also, take your time to look around and make yourselves at home!

Goodbye WELL 2 - 2011

Dear WELL teachers,

During these frour weeks we've explored and tried to unveil the potential of blogs and wikis for the EFL classroom. It's been amazing to share your expectations, fears and discoveries!

As I've said before, the "formal" process may have come to an end, but our connections will remain because we own the spaces we have built together!

Let's keep developing our learning networks on the web!



Budding Blogs

After our blogging week at WELL 2, it's exciting to see new blogs coming to life and others "re awakening" in the blogosphere.  I see how carefully you've all chosen the templates to transmit the right atmosphere as well as images and videos that describe your mood, your fears, your interests and expectations for your brand new spot on the web.

May this be the beginning of a meaningful blogging journey!

Enjoy everybody's 5 reasons!

Image: WELL blog by Websites as graphs 

Debora's 5 reasons Why I'd like to try EFL blogging
Guillermina's 5 reasons why EFL blogging is a good idea
Romina's 5 reasons why EFL blogging is a good idea

Sandra's why I'd like to try EFL blogging
Cecilia's 5 reasons

Brave New WELL Bloggers

After our first web conference on Blogs in ELT, WELL 2 participants are now ready to start or relaunch their own blogs. Here's a joke for new bloggers! ;-) Looking forward to your first posts!

 Image: Flickr CC geekandpoke

Welcome to WELL II 2011!

...and welcome to the WELL blog! This will be our open space on the web where we'll share conversations and extend our learning networks. This online journal is an ongoing contstruction that was started with previous WELL participants and will continue growing with your contributions!

My name is Carla Raguseo and I'll be your guide to "the center of the web 2.0"! Together we'll explore the potential of blogs and wikis for language learning.

I started my first blog for an online exchange project with my students six years ago. Since then, each new blog or wiki I created for my classes or for my own professional development has been a path to reflections and unexpected discoveries. Check out some of them here.

I'd like to invite you to introduce yourselves and share your experiences with blogs and wikis as well as your expectations for this course. Also, take your time to look around and make yourselves at home!